料金 / Prices

At jstages.com we accept commissions to write all kinds of theatre articles in English and/or Japanese.

We also offer top-class English -> Japanese and Japanese -> English translations (as per the client’s specifications and style) of articles, dissertations, essays, website material, plays (from summaries to final drafts), business documents, manuals and restaurant menus.


Japanese ←→ EnglishGuide prices for regular text translations (exclusive of tax) are as follows:
Japanese → English ¥10〜¥25 / character (¥4,000〜¥10,000 / page)
English → Japanese ¥13〜¥27 / word (¥3,900〜¥8,100 / page)

These prices may vary according to the deadline or the text’s degree of complexity, etc.
To establish precise details, please go to our Contact Form.

For the terms of other commissions, such as website materials, menus or composing mails or letters in English, please go to our Contact Form.


For details on writing articles on contemporary theatre and dance (in Japanese and/or English), please go to our Contact Form.

■ Special rates 25% above normal will be charged for work during the New Year holiday period (Dec. 29–Jan. 3)
■ The Word Count function of MS Word is used to calculate the number of Japanese characters and English words.
Please pay through bank transfer by the end of month following satisfactory completion of the commission.

Please go to our contact form to request further information.