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English Interview Japan Kuro Tanino talks about “Rainbow Town” — with citizen actors. editor 06/06/21 Bonsaicitizen actorsKAATKuro TaninoNiji-mu MachiNiwagekidan PeninoTamae Ando READ MORE Kuro Tanino talks about “Rainbow Town” — with citizen actors.
Feature Interview Japan Japanese タニノクロウ新作「虹む街」で県民俳優たちと演劇の既成概念に挑む。 editor 31/05/21 タニノクロウ公開稽古横浜・野毛県民参加劇神奈川芸術劇場虹む街 READ MORE タニノクロウ新作「虹む街」で県民俳優たちと演劇の既成概念に挑む。
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English Japan News TPAM 2021 to show “Fukushima Trilogy” — and stream it with English subtitles editor 03/02/21 Fukushima TrilogyKenichi TaniTAPMオンライン配信福島三部作谷賢一岸田戯曲賞 READ MORE TPAM 2021 to show “Fukushima Trilogy” — and stream it with English subtitles
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English Japan Japanese News What’s to become of theatre festivals in the future? editor 01/12/20 Constantin ChriacDamien JaletHideki Nodainternational theatre festivalLAMAMAManchester International FestivalRobert LepageSibiu International Theatre FestivalSilviu PurcareteTaiwan National Theater & Concert Hall READ MORE What’s to become of theatre festivals in the future?
English Interview Japan Onodera’s “Knife” cuts through pandemic problems editor 19/11/20 Boule de SuifGuy de Maupassantinternational collaborationKAATmimeThe DerasineraThe Dumplingマイムモーパッサン国際共同制作小野寺修二 READ MORE Onodera’s “Knife” cuts through pandemic problems