Dancer and choreographer Yuuki Aoki founded the Newcomer “H” Sokerissa dance troupe in 2005 after he stopped o…
READ MORE Homeless put their best feet forward in Sokerissa dance showsカテゴリー: Japan
News in Japan / 日本の演劇ニュース
Greek maestro brings ‘INK’ to Kyoto
Widely known for his unique, hyper-visual dance style, the Greek choreographer, director, set/costume/lighting…
READ MORE Greek maestro brings ‘INK’ to KyotoUK director stages same anime in London and Tokyo
How is she bridging the Japanese and UK theatre scenes? The British theatre director and producer Alexandra Ru…
READ MORE UK director stages same anime in London and Tokyo舞台『言の葉の庭~The Garden of Words~』の演出家アレクサンドラ・ラターへの独占インタビュー
10月某日、訪れたリハーサル室には役者たちに向き合いながら日本語で演出をつける英国人演出家アレクサンドラ・ラターの姿があった。積極的に役者の輪の中に入り、スタッフや役者と話し合いながら稽古を進めている。 10年前に英国を…
READ MORE 舞台『言の葉の庭~The Garden of Words~』の演出家アレクサンドラ・ラターへの独占インタビューIt’s a dream come true for “The Golden Island”
Le Théâtre du Soleil is a leading French avant-garde company that has had an enthusiastic Japanese following e…
READ MORE It’s a dream come true for “The Golden Island”マクベス夫人の出来る女ゆえの苦悩とは?
READ MORE マクベス夫人の出来る女ゆえの苦悩とは?Kyoto Experiment 2023 — Maze Maze (Mixed-up Jumble)
Kyoto, the capital of Japan for more than 1,000 years until 1868, has hosted the cutting-edge international pe…
READ MORE Kyoto Experiment 2023 — Maze Maze (Mixed-up Jumble)Cross boundaries and progress with “The Window of Spaceship In Between”
Toshiki Okada, who founded the globe-trotting Chelfitsch theatre company in 1997, and writes and direct…
READ MORE Cross boundaries and progress with “The Window of Spaceship In Between”