READ MORE グッド・バイ@ロンドン、コロネット劇場 京都から世界へ、投稿者: jstages
‘Rent’ star Anthony Rapp arrives with his one-man musical memoir of that landmark work
Previously best known in Japan as a cast member of the world-renowned, Tony award-winning rock musical “Rent”,…
READ MORE ‘Rent’ star Anthony Rapp arrives with his one-man musical memoir of that landmark workAte9’s dance and music finally reaches Japan
Israel-born choreographer Danielle Agami danced with the renowned Tel Aviv-based Batsheva Dance Company for ei…
READ MORE Ate9’s dance and music finally reaches JapanDavid Leveaux’s “Terayama Cabaret” opens with Shingo Katori in the title role
Even now, more than 40 years after he died, Shuji Terayama remains one of Japan’s most internationally influen…
READ MORE David Leveaux’s “Terayama Cabaret” opens with Shingo Katori in the title roleHomeless put their best feet forward in Sokerissa dance shows
Dancer and choreographer Yuuki Aoki founded the Newcomer “H” Sokerissa dance troupe in 2005 after he stopped o…
READ MORE Homeless put their best feet forward in Sokerissa dance showsGreek maestro brings ‘INK’ to Kyoto
Widely known for his unique, hyper-visual dance style, the Greek choreographer, director, set/costume/lighting…
READ MORE Greek maestro brings ‘INK’ to KyotoUK director stages same anime in London and Tokyo
How is she bridging the Japanese and UK theatre scenes? The British theatre director and producer Alexandra Ru…
READ MORE UK director stages same anime in London and Tokyo怪物のようなレイフ・ファインズの君主マクベスが戦場に現れる
The Guardian / Arifa Akbar 2023.11.30の劇評より 何と言っても、「マクベス」を戦争がもたらす堕落についての歴史劇に再構築したような芝居と言うことができるだろう。殺人への強い思い、権力、…
READ MORE 怪物のようなレイフ・ファインズの君主マクベスが戦場に現れる