カテゴリー: Japan
News in Japan / 日本の演劇ニュース
New attempt of putting theatre in Japan
KAAT online reading program: “Miren no Yurei to Kaibutsu” (“Unfulfilled Ghost and Monster”)
What has the globe trotting director Kuro Tanino done during his self-isolation period?
What can we see from SPAC’s World Theatre Festival
Festival/Tokyo director Sachio Ichimura looks to a new generation
by Nobuko Tanaka Special To The Japan Times Read at JAPAN TIMES WEBSITE Festival/Tokyo 2017 Festival/Tokyo 201…
READ MORE Festival/Tokyo director Sachio Ichimura looks to a new generationReview of ‘Nihon Bungaku Seisuishi’ (The Rise and Fall of Japanese Literature)
In today’s post-truth Japan, every day seems to bring new scandals in the Diet, corporations, or even the swea…
READ MORE Review of ‘Nihon Bungaku Seisuishi’ (The Rise and Fall of Japanese Literature)